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Domestic Violence Treatment

The Court-Mandated Perpetrator Assessment and Treatment Handbook - Electronic Version

6 Continuing Education Units for Certified Batterer Intervention Counselors.

This manual is far more valuable than a regular book. It will assist professionals in organizing their treatment programs. It can be used as an operations and procedures manual, and most important, will include the actual forms they can use in their programs, saving much time and effort (View the table of contents).

The purpose of this manual is to inform clinicians of the general structure and the common procedures necessary for successful treatment of court-mandated perpetrators of domestic violence. The vast majority of clients referred for treatment receive group intervention. Therefore, the establishment of standard procedures is necessary to provide continuity between clients, within and between groups. Additionally, since the primary goal of treatment is to reduce the risk of further violence, many of these procedures have been established specifically to facilitate the attainment of that goal.

The Domestic Violence Court-Mandated Perpetrator Treatment Program includes theoretical material as well as concrete treatment goals and interventions necessary to develop effective intervention programs for male and female perpetrators of domestic violence. This manual may be utilized as an "Operations and Procedure's Manual" for programs needing structure and organization. Included in the manual are most of the forms programs will need to get started in developing their clinical and organizational structure.

This Electronic Version of Domestic Violence: The Court-Mandated Perpetrator Assessment and Treatment Handbook can be read with the Adobe Acrobat Reader on either a pc or mac.. The main advantage to this format is that you can print out as many forms as you need directly from your computer (See the list of forms in the Table of Contents from the book). If want a hard copy of sections of the text you can print that out as well.

The Domestic Violence Inventory can be utilized to take comprehensive histories with both victims and perpetrators of violence. Summaries can be printed and inserted into the chart for easy review. This inventory also provides a numerical breakdown of the approximate number of physical, sexual and psychological violent acts.

The Domestic Violence Risk Assessment takes the user through over a dozen risk areas exploring such factors as: frequency of physical violence, severity of injuries, threats, history of child abuse, psychiatric diagnosis, proximity of victims and offender and attitudes towards violence. The user is provided both a summary of the risk factors chosen and recommendations that guide the professional in decision-making with regard to risk prevention and treatment planning.

Domestic Violence: The Court-Mandated Perpetrator Assessment and Treatment Handbook

Earn 6 Continuing Education Units for Certified Batterer Intervention Counselors

Read the book and take the multiple choice online test on this web site to earn 6 Continuing Education Units for Batterer Intervention Facilitators at no extra cost.

After reading this book, you should be able to:

  1. To describe the important assessment procedures for domestic violence perpetrators
  2. To demonstrate knowledge of group treatment of domestic violence perpetrators (including handling reoffenses, addressing emotion regulation problems and isses of childhood abuse.
  3. Demonstrate a knowledge of domestic violence law and ethics
  4. Analyze dangerousness risk factors of domestic violence perpetrators
  5. Create tx plan and assess tx effectiveness for domestic violence perpetrators

Cost: $120.00 (download only)

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Purchase the eBook Only (No CEU's)

Cost: $25.00 (download).

To pay with a credit card, use PayPal - it's quick and easy. Just click on the button below.


"Sonkin rightly alerts his readers to two points about clinical assessment of risk: that the chances of being correct are about 50-50, but that the best predictor of future behavior is past behavior. He thus advocates a comprehensive assessment of both psychological and physical abusiveness. Sonkin emphasizes that his Checklist is a guide not a psychometric test. In effect it combines frequency and severity of physical and sexual violence, threats, intoxication, drug use, DSM-IV diagnosis, severity of current psychosocial stressors, global assessment of functioning, proximity of victim and offender, prior criminal convictions of offender, prior criminal behaviors and abuse of children and attitudes towards violence. Of all risk assessment inventories reviewed, it was probably the lengthiest and most comprehensive."

from Dutton, D. & Kroop (2000). A Review of Domestic Violence Risk Instruments. Trauma, Violence & Abuse (2000) 1, (2), 171- 181.

Editorial Reviews

"Daniel Sonkin is a pioneer in court-mandated treatment of batterers...who has continued to grow and expand his ideas...a 'must read'..."
Donald G. Dutton, Ph.D., author of The Abusive Personality

"...Dr. Sonkin has done an excellent job...[I]nvaluable for new as well as experienced clinicians and treatment facilitators."
Robert Geffner, Ph.D., ABPN, President, Family Violence & Sexual Abuse Institute Professor of Psychology, California School of Professional Psychology, San Diego

"...It is hard to conceive of a form or strategy that is not contained in this innovative and forward-looking manual..."
Lenore E. A. Walker, Ed.D. author of The Battered Woman, The Battered Woman Syndrome and Abused Women & Survivor Therapy