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Approved Interactive Continuing Education for Certified Domestic Violence Treatment Providers


Daniel J Sonkin, Ph.D. offers Certified Domestic Violence Treatment Providers online Continuing Education Programs on domestic violence and the applications of attachment theory to domestic violence treatment. His priority is to develop course content and content delivery methods in a manner that respects cultural, individual, and role differences as well as addresses issues of diversity including those based on age, gender, gender identity, race, ethnicity, culture, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, disability, language, and socioeconomic status. If you ever have any suggestions, concerns or comments about these or any other issues, please contact him at any time.


Domestic Violence Assessment and Treatment:
A 40 Hour Online Class for Facilitators of Batterers Intervention Program - 40 CEUs

California Penal Code requires that facilitators of Batterers Intervention Programs (1203.097c) receive 40 hours of core basic training and 16 hours of yearly continuing education. This 40 hours continuing education program will meet all of the core training requirements.

Cost: $300.00

APPROVAL: Certified Batterer Intervention Facilitator



Domestic Violence Assessment and Treatment - 6 CEUs

Purchase a copy of Domestic Violence: The Court Mandated Perpetrator Assessment and Treatment Handbook/Assessment Software. After reading the book, take the online test (True/False and Multiple Choice). When the exam is completed, you will receive 6 continuing education units, the correct answers to your test and a Certification of Completion (which you should keep as proof of your continuing education activities). This workshop satisfies California Penal Code 1203.097c that requires that facilitators of Batterers Intervention Programs receive 40 hours of core basic training and 16 hours of yearly continuing education.

Cost: $120.00

APPROVAL: Certified Batterer Intervention Facilitator


Domestic Violence and Attachment Theory - 6 CEUs

This 6 hour continuing education units workshop involves reading a presentation online or saving the web page on your computer (or printed out), with links to online resources and the ability to ask Dr. Sonkin questions through out the material. This workshop also satisfies California Penal Code 1203.097c that requires that facilitators of Batterers Intervention Programs receive 40 hours of core basic training and 16 hours of yearly continuing education. This continuing education program will meet a portion of the core training requirements as well as the yearly continuing education requirements. Consult with your local probation department for more details. At the completion of the workshop you are asked to complete an evaluation form, after which you are given a certificate of completion.

Cost: $90.00

APPROVAL: Certified Batterer Intervention Facilitator



The Neuroscience of Domestic Violence - 8 CEUS

Read an extensive discussion on the application of recent findings in the neurosciences to violence and aggression.

This interactive, online workshop involves reading material and interacting with Dr. Sonkin via email.

This workshop will help clinicians integrate the large body of research in the cognitive and affective neurosciences into their work with clients with problems with anger, aggression and violence. In it we will explore new conceptualizations of emotion and how it differs from feeling. We will also explore how memory, mirror neurons, attachment and genetics play significant roles in our interactions with others. We will also explore the science of priming and how secure base priming can possibly be utilized as an intervention with domestic violence clients.

At the completion of the workshop you are asked to complete an evaluation form, after which you are given a certificate of completion.

Cost: $120.00

APPROVAL: Certified Batterer Intervention Facilitator



Learning to Live Without Violence: A Handbook for Men (or Aprender a vivir sin violencia) - 3 CEUS

Read the E-Book, Learning to Live Without Violence and receive 3 CEUs. In this book you will learn about the causes of domestic violence and ways to help individuals learn how to deal with anger and conflict without resorting to violence. The reader is encouraged to complete the exercises in the book to see how they may improve interepersonal relationships. Click on the "Download" button below to download the book and begin learning to live without violence.

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APPROVAL: Certified Batterer Intervention Facilitator

  • Download Learning to Live Without Violence: A Handbook for Men
  • Download Aprender a vivir sin violencia: Manual Para Hombres
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    Wounded Boys/Heroic Men: A Man's Guide to Recovering from Child Abuse - 3 CEUS

    Read an E-Book on healing from childhood physical, sexual and psychological abuse and receive 3 CEUs. The reader is encouraged to complete the exercises in the book to see how they help to resolve past traumas. Click on the "Download" button below to download the book and begin your healing journey.

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    APPROVAL: Certified Batterer Intervention Facilitator

    • Wounded Boys / Heroic Men: A Man's Guide to Recovering from Child Abuse
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      Daniel Jay Sonkin, Ph.D. is a provider of Continuing Education (CE) for Certified Batterer Intervention Facilitators. Dr. Sonkin is an internationally known authority on domestic violence. Dr. Sonkin is the author of numerous books on domestic violence including: Learning to Live Without Violence: A Handbook for Men, A Counselor's Guide to Learning to Live Without Violence, Wounded Boys/Heroic Men: A Man's Guide to Healing from Child Abuse, and his most recent title, Domestic Violence: The Court-Mandated Perpetrator Assessment and Treatment Handbook.

      Attention: Continuing Education Program Complaints and Problems

      The Continuing Education Program Complaint Policy may be viewed here. I strive to make sure participants in my Continuing Education Programs are satisfied with their experience. If at any time (before receiving your certificate of completion) if you want to stop participating in the program, I will issue you a 100% refund on your payment. Questions and Complaints may also be directed to Daniel Sonkin either by telephone (415-332-6703) or by email at: contact at danielsonkin dot com. If you are ever not satisfied with the resolution.

      Attention: California Domestic Violence Treatment Providers

      California Penal Code requires that facilitators of Batterers Intervention Programs (1203.097c) receive 40 hours of core basic training and 16 hours of yearly continuing education. These continuing education programs will meet a portion of the core training requirements as well as the yearly continuing education requirements. Consult with your local probation department for more details.